What's this about a free Umrah trip?

Did you know we have around 150 marriages from SingleMuslim.com every month? And they’re just the ones we hear about!

As a gift to you, any couple who meet and marry via our service, we will offer them 2 tickets to do Umrah in the holy city of Mecca. You can arrange to book the trip at any time at your convenience. All we ask in return is that you and your partner make yourselves available for a photo/video interview with our marketing team who will come out to see you.

The purpose of the photo/video interview is, to instil confidence in others who were in your position as a single Muslim and help those brothers and sisters complete their Imaan, within a happy and prosperous marriage. The interview will be in a form of a casual chat and we will want to hear your journey to finding success, what brought you to our service and how you found each other.

When you remove your account, simply tick the box telling us you found success on SingleMuslim.com and then send us an email asking for further information about our free Umrah trip. Please email us at info@singlemuslim.com. We look forward to hearing from you with great anticipation!